Jemma’s Newsletter


What's this about?

I’m a backend software engineer, mainly working in Ruby. I also write, podcast and speak about software development.


Jemma Issroff

Hi! I’m Jemma (she/hers). I’m a backend software engineer, mainly working in Ruby. I also write, podcast and speak about software development.

I currently have the privilege to work on improving Ruby at Shopify’s Ruby and Rails Infrastructure team. I recently wrote a book about garbage collection. I write the Tip of the Week for Ruby Weekly, and am a rotating co-host of The Ruby on Rails Podcast. I’m also a founder and organizer of WNB.rb, a women/non-binary Ruby group.

In the fall of 2021, I studied at the Recurse Center. Before that, I worked as a backend software engineer at Panorama Education on data integrations and infrastructure teams. For my undergraduate education, I studied computer science and education at Brown University. While I was studying, I interned at Google and Knewton.

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